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Quad Screen, AFP

Test Name:Quad Screen, AFP
Epic Order Code:LAB560  
CPT Code:81511  
Specimen(s) Type:Serum, 1.0 mL  
Acceptable Container(s):closeup of specimen collection tubecloseup of specimen collection tubeTube tops are gold and red.
Testing Schedule:Monday-Saturday
Turn Around Time:STAT: NA  
 Routine: 2-4 days
Collection Information:Do not draw specimen after amniocentesis, as this could affect results. No special patient preparation is required. Obtain by standard collection procedures.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Clients:If unable to deliver to the lab within 30 minutes, centrifuge the specimen and remove serum from the red cells. Store and transport at 2-8° C within 5 days. If longer storage is required, store and transport at -20° C within 60 days.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient volume, incorrect/delay in transport.
Reference Range:See patient report.
Additional Information:For an assessment that includes neural tube defect results, gestational age must be between 15 weeks, 0 days and 22 weeks, 6 days.
 Assessments for Down syndrome and Trisomy 18 only are available between 14 weeks, 0 days and 22 weeks, 6 days.